June 2015

Now that June is over, it's now July, I thought I would do my month of photos for June! I'm feeling very productive recently, just uploaded my June Favourites on my YouTube channel and I've been uploading videos regularly now and I love it! Anyway, onto the photos..

First thing from the month I have is spending the day with Sophie and her dog, Poppy! Cutest dog ever!!

Next we had the end of my course! :( I've now finished my Creative Media Production course and now I'm just waiting for the results!

Next was a night out for Nikita's birthday!

Then I travelled for 3 hours to attend Vlog It and I got to meet some great people! Check out my vlog here and Amy's vlog here!

Next, a night out for Crosby's birthday!

Cue the night of disasters with Sophie and Tori!

Then Sophie's birthday party!

Excuse how grainy the photo is but it was from Nikita & Crosby's birthday / end of exams party!

And last but not least I spent the day with this lil one!

Quite a busy, exciting month! Looking forward to summer!!


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