Life? Love?

Love is weird isn't it? Like you follow the general format of find someone, fall in love, get married, have kids blah blah blah. But life's not like that, you're gonna go through so many people in your hopes to find "the one". And is it worth it? I'm not sure. I'm 17 and romance and love is never been a big issue to me. I just don't want to get married and have kids etc, but this isn't about me. Like who says you have to be a certain age to find "the one"? You may find them when you're 4 or when you're 14 but people will dismiss it as just a crush until you're in your 20's and what's that about. Why are you only allowed to start to be certain about things you want in life when you're an adult? Why do people state that kids who say they're gay, are just going through a phase, no. How would you know what that kid is feeling. Leave them to feel what they feel and accept it and believe them.

This has gone like a rollarcoaster, just all over the show. I'm not in the proper mood to rant but I quite like this so I'm going to post it, obviously that's how you're reading this..


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